• There isn’t a bad way to get in contact with me, so it’s really your preference.

    Here are your options:

    Whichever way you decide, I look forward to hearing from you!

  • Not at all. We will work with clients from anywhere in the US.

    We do put a regional emphasis on being located in Central Texas for those retirees that would want to meet in person, or are looking for someone familiar with their home base.

  • We would love to meet in person if it’s feasible to do. We believe there is a ton of value in good, old fashioned face-to-face interactions.

    If you are located in the Austin/Hill Country/San Antonio area, we can coordinate an in-person meeting. Also, if you are located in Rio Grade Valley, we visit several times a year.

  • It really depends on what you are looking for. For hourly advice and a one-time plan, there is more flexibility for the scope of the planning, but for our comprehensive planning service, we would recommend clients with between 1 to 10 million in net worth.

    We also recommend those who are nearing the federal estate tax exemption, currently just shy of 14 million per person, to consider a planner with a specialty in estate tax.

  • I am always open and excited to meet new people and see if we are a good fit. However, there are some areas of planning I might suggest someone seek a specialist should they have a need for that niche expertise.

    Some examples are:

    • If you have a substantial income-producing portfolio of real estate

    • If you still own your business and are seeking exit planning

    • If you have invested heavily in limited partnerships and/or receive several K-1s

    • You have a special needs child that will require life-long acute care

    All are still welcome and encouraged to reach out, and we can discuss whether you may be better served with a specialist in your individual circumstance.

  • As a former high school personal finance teacher, I love helping younger people with their finances.

    If you subscribe to the comprehensive service plan, I can assist your kids or grandkids with one-off financial decisions as a complementary benefit of your service plan. This could include conversations like how to enroll in a 401k, setting up a 529, or opening an IRA or Roth IRA.

    However, we typically don’t manage assets for those still early in the accumulation phase. It’s our belief that, unless a unique situation warrants it, younger individuals are better served self-directing their savings through a low cost solution.

  • We are not licensed attorneys and therefore can not draft estate planning documents.

    We can, however, help facilitate the estate planning process with a licensed attorney, and are happy to review estate documents with you within the context of your overall financial plan.

  • As a Fee-Only Advisor, we are not insurance licensed and therefore don’t directly enroll, or sell, insurance products.

    We do, however, help facilitate Medicare enrollment with an agent, and annually revisit your coverage during open enrollment as a component of your holistic financial plan. I can also assist with the process of discussing prudent insurance products that suit your unique risk mitigation needs.